Full Disclosure Colorado Springs

Truth, Technology, and Equality through Disclosure

Category: Activism

Dimensions of Disclosure Talk on Unveiling & Genetic Programs

Talk given August 17th, 2018, in Loveland, CO, by Mike Waskosky, discussing the Law of One (Ra material), Corey Goode, ET genetic experimentation, AATIP, and UFO/ET Disclosure. Presentation begins 06:40.

This presentation covers:
* The Law of One basics & cosmology
* Archetypal evolution experiments by the galactic Logos
* The veiling of the mind, or First Great Experiment
* The structure of the mind
* Penetrating the gateway to intelligent infinity
* ET experiments including genetic changes
* Corey Goode’s updates on ET genetic experiments
* Unblocking chakras (energy centers) through processing experiences
* Spiritual evolution through layered veils on awareness
* Inner and outer dimensional relationships in human evolution
* How to get involved with disclosure
* AATIP and the role of Harry Reid
* Accelerating full disclosure, contacting congress

The first minute of the talk was lost due to a technical issue with a new microphone. I mainly talked about AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) after asking how many people had never heard of it, and most everyone raised their hands which I found a little surprising.


North Colorado Springs Rotary Club Talk

Today I gave a talk at the North Colorado Springs Rotary Club local meeting, discussing Secret Space Programs, Advanced Technology Disclosure & how the topics relate to Colorado Springs.

Here is a PDF of the slideshow I presented.


Eclipse of Disclosure Recap

Myself and two members from our group attended the Eclipse of Disclosure Conference in McCloud, CA a week ago.

Here is the presentation I gave on the Law of One (Ra material).

Here is a clip of Corey Goode’s presentation where he gave us a shout-out and I was able to share a little about our group.

Here is the download link for the flier we were passing out, and that I mentioned in that clip.

Download EOD Attendee Filer 


2017 Space Symposium Demonstration for Disclosure

Today at the Space Symposium event in Colorado Springs we passed out a flyer attached to a DVD (maybe around a hundred of each). We received a very wide range of reactions just like last year, ranging from people automatically laughing about the topic to people very knowledgeable about the topic and interested in our take on specific areas, and also some people familiar with suspicious activities occurring in Antarctica this year which was mentioned on one sign we used.

Materials distributed:
Four page flyer download

A DVD with 6 videos on it:

1. Dr. Bill Deagle’s experiences at Schriever Air Force Base, CO
2. The Disclosure Project (2 hr), edited down very slightly.
3. A custom consciousness science compilation including Dr. Emoto rice experiment replications, Russel Targ talk excerpt, and PEAR research overview. Some of the overview can be seen on youtube here.
4. A ET related testimony video compilation that is not available online, including clips from witnesses such as Henry Deacon and Agent Kewper (pseudonym)
5. Pete Peterson interview, from Cosmic Disclosure
6. David Wilcock and Corey Goode Conscious Life Expo presentation excerpts,  “Antactic Atlantis” – David’s edited version on Youtube here

We also managed to give out to some people an additional DVD package which had the ENTIRETY of the 5 days of testimony presented at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure: http://www.citizenhearing.org/ (Thanks to Richard for preparing that!)


(Credit: Walt Chai)


Joining the New Earth Network

In support of the Full Disclosure Now 11/11 campaign, I launched a site called the “New Earth Network” at newearth.network to support other local groups in getting together for disclosure action and networking.

I recorded a short statement in support of that campaign.



Schriever AFB Demonstration for Full Disclosure – Oct 27, 2016

On Oct 27, I along with 3 others up conducted a demonstration just outside of Schriever Air Force Base to protest the excessive compartmentalization which has led to significant ignorance, and in some cases arrogance, on the part of many working at the base on the topic of what is really going on below the base (and in space in general).

Press Release, flyer, and links to videos we passed out on the DVD can be found at: https://www.disclosurecolorado.org/open-letter-to-schriever-afb-public-affairs/

Open Letter to Schriever AFB Public Affairs

This afternoon (Oct. 27) I along with 2-5 other transparency advocates will be standing near the corner of S Curtis Rd and Irwin Rd. We will stand in safe, public areas to hold signs, and pass out DVDs and flyers when it would not disrupt the flow of traffic. We are quite happy and friendly demonstrators, although we do seek to convey a sense of the seriousness of the high level breach within the chain of command which has taken place through underground facilities at Schriever which support unacknowledged extra-constitutional space programs as disclosed by many recent whistleblowers. We seek to provide information to allow base personnel to do their current jobs better with wisdom that can only be gained through reviewing information leaks. We feel this dichotomy of intelligence sourcing has become necessary due to excessively fear based compartmentalization of military projects which has usurped the natural spiritual order that the good men and women of Schriever would otherwise place forefront in their decision making. Namely, we request that base personnel be freely permitted, and diligent enough, to review space program whistleblower testimony and inform others to do likewise without fear of losing their jobs or other incrimination.

Michael W

DVD Video Contents

1. Dr. Bill Deagle’s experiences at Schriever Air Force Base, CO
2. The Disclosure Project (2 hr)
3. PEAR Lab overview – the full thing isn’t online, it has more about remote viewing research, but this video linked shows a good chunk of it. The relationship between consciousness and high technology systems is extremely classified even though substantial research has been conducted in the public domain.
4. 9/11 Mysteries – Two 9/11 videos were included to demonstrate the subversion of compartmentalized military air space security.
5. 9/11 “smoking gun” – The nature of the heavy hand over media networks by compartmentalized intelligence agencies is also a critical piece of the puzzle.
6. A video compilation that is not available online, including witnesses such as Henry Deacon and Corey Goode

Press Release

Press Release 10/27/2016


Schriever AFB Full Disclosure Flyer

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