Full Disclosure Colorado Springs

Truth, Technology, and Equality through Disclosure

Month: December 2016

Kerry Cassidy interview with William Tompkins!

“William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.

This interview connects the dots on many topics discussed by Tompkins in other interviews including the collaboration of our Navy with Nordics (and reptilians) involving top aerospace companies such as Northrop, TRW, Boeing, Hughes, and many others.

He discusses what really happened during the Battle of LA, the beginnings of MJ12, how nearly all U.S. presidents have been ruled by Dracos and much much more….”

Part 1:

Part 2:

Gamechanger? Pete Peterson Re-emerges

Dr Pete Peterson, a very important, hugely knowledgeable insider/whistleblower,  has come forward for a SECOND video interview, after having done only one interview back in 2009 and then going silent, except for occasional references by David Wilcock who was receiving updates from Pete. Now we don’t have to take Wilcock’s word for it. This interview essentially confirms that what David put in his latest book about what Pete said (The Ascension Mysteries) is truly validated by Pete. The information includes data about large spheres entering the solar system, helping to validate Corey Goode’s testimony (and in various other ways, corroborating Corey but many others through various details).

The latest inteview requires a Gaia subscription:

The original 3 part interview is available here:




David Wilcock Narrated Update

This is a great audio version of the recent joint updated posted by David Wilcock and Corey Goode, titled “Endgame II– The Antarctic Atlantis ET Ruins/ Cabal Rescue Plan”

Original post is at: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1209-endgame-pt-2


David Wilcock & Corey Goode Intel Update Pt 2


“Both David and I are working on releasing as much quality intel as
possible in the time window that we still have.

If the Establishment were to release this intel first, then we would appear
to be riding on their coat-tails.

The future is sure to be very interesting and the telltale signs of an
Endgame are already visible.

This is the greatest football game in our recorded history and the outcome
is not yet defined.

You can help steer this towards a positive result by maintaining a loving,
positive attitude in your thoughts and actions towards yourself and others.”



New Bill Tompkins interview with Jeff Rense

Links to documents and MP3 downloads can be found at:



My Friend’s Visit to a Parallel Timeline

A few weeks ago my friend Allison posted on a private forum a 2 hour unlisted video that she did not share publicly, and did not know if she should share publicly, in which she described her experience going to bed at her home in Washington but then waking up and experiencing 3 days in an alternate timeline in a hospital type building in Anaheim. She woke up after 3 hours of “sleep” in our current reality but had 3 days of memories that she remembered just like they were preceding days of being awake.

By the end of her video she had described in great detail being told how ET disclosure had already occurred in that timeline and why it made sense. I was impressed that this was posted privately before Corey Goode even mentioned the idea of merging with timelines where disclosure had already occurred (his November 3rd blog update.) I was impressed by many other details, including some aspects regarding the nature of time and identity that made sense to me from studying the Law of One material but that Allison herself did not read into, instead explaining only the specifics of what she experienced moment to moment.

Shortly after watching the video, I felt that it opened some inner doors for me and began experiencing what seemed like communication with myself in other timelines during my dream state. I felt that my own experiences were profound and meaningful in guiding me to “boost” the energy of the other timelines, as Allison also described. I suggested to her that she should not keep this as private, and she should specifically post more of what she learned in her last day of the experience, which was the day where she was given historical information and visited the roof of the facility she was at, which felt like “street level” due to the nature of advanced transportation technology. She then took my suggestion to create a new video and posted an even more detailed description of what she learned during her final day of the experience, during a telepathic conveyance of information which revealed to her the sequence of historical events in that timeline.

She describes how in that timeline, “shortly after 1952 or shortly after [the] famous UFO sighting event [over the capital building], “someone” from the American Government told the American people the truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers.” She further clarifies that Eisenhower was the last president and that there was a period of around 10 years where a kind of conflict that was not called “World War 3” but was very significant occurred to shake off many negative influences on humanity before the society became stabilized in some way, fully liberated.

She describes being told that 10 years of conflict would not be necessary for us in our timeline however:

“I got the hopeful sense from Nicolas that if this disclosure happened in my native timeline in 2016, it could possibly not take us 10+ years to come to the same peaceful liberation that Nicolas’s society went through because we have the internet and lots of technology here already. The process could be sped up for us to only 3-5 years, if only “someone from the American government would let the cat out of the bag,” so to speak.”

Others I have shared this with have agreed that it does not sound like a dream when someone can be reading specific things and able to turn around and back and have the details and entire environment remain consistent, just like waking reality, which seems to be the case here. And certainly the amount of details and coherence in the story are beyond any dream like experience I have heard of before. Allison was concerned initially that some kind of psychotronic mind manipulation could have also have been involved, based on the warnings she has heard from Corey Goode and others. However, I let her know that it did not seem to be the case for multiple reasons including the content of the message remaining consistent with what we know from other sources we trust, and she also came to this conclusion (that the experience is genuine) for reasons such as the fact that she has no significant audience, and she is not of the persuasion or capacity to even share this widely to further someone’s hidden agenda.

Although the experience sounded mostly like a waking reality, I must admit that some details of her experience inside the building are described as like “virtual reality” or “holodeck” programs which suggests that technology may have been in place to possibly convince some people brought in that they are still in a dream state, however she was able to leave those simulations, due to something unique about her awareness levels (I would guess) or herself in that timeline, and understand the nature of them as utilizing holographic technology for only portions of her full experience. Her third day experience described in the video above did not involve that technology, however. From the technology and use of this facility though, it would appear that the healing of timelines is an important enough concern for other more advanced Earth timelines that they seek to work with specific individuals across their different timeline selves, perhaps giving them experiences through their “dream” states that they deem valuable to the unfolding of our respective timelines.

She describes being given a picture of an hourglass to explain how and why ascension seems to require that multiple timelines may need to come together more to get through the “bottleneck” point, and this may be why they are reaching out to us:

“Nicolas also seemed to think that “ascension” had to happen eventually anyway so it was inconsequential whether or not it was in 2012. Even 5-100 years after 2012 would be close to 2012 in the scope of human history. His mind was showing me an image of an hourglass with no top or bottom. Instead of the “sand” going down, as it does in an hourglass, the white substance was moving up into the bottleneck and out. It was like all the grains of “sand” symbolized us as individuals and our different timelines all at once, going into the bottleneck of ascension. This could have also been some kind of juncture to sacred geometry that all of our timelines have to go through, some kind of bottleneck where we become the same timeline, ascend, and go out from there into the geometric fractal of time and space.”

From the perspective of the Mandela effect changes, this also makes sense as perhaps all parallel timelines are becoming more and more like each other to bring us closer to the middle of the hourglass.

In her new video and written account, she also goes into interesting details, that she specifically asked about, involving the role of the people we know of as Don Elkins, Corey Goode, and also David Wilcock in those timelines.

I think it is important that an unknown person like Allison has conveyed this experience to us, because from the manner of her telling the story I can vouch that she did not have any kind of personal agenda, and did not seek to get any attention and was content with sharing with very few people privately. She has a very humble spirit and has not attempted to sell anything or make money in some way from the experience, although she has authored books in the past that are available. Even now after my suggesting to her to create a new video and make the experience public, she has not shared the new video widely (the video currently has 35 views and a 1 to 2 like ratio) but has nevertheless been able to communicate her experiences clearly and well enough that people like myself can now explain to others how important and credible this story seems to be.

Read the full account here:


David Wilcock’s Update that Went Viral

The most important and perhaps timely aspect of this update is that apparently there is or was an imminent plan to try to steer the public consciousness around exciting new information about Antarctica.

“Some very cosmic, world-changing information could soon be dropped upon us from an “official” level in a “Partial Disclosure” scenario.

This could potentially include the revelation of astonishingly high-tech buildings and cities discovered under the ice in Antarctica.”


Even though this would be exciting, it sounds like we would not necessarily want this until enough of us are aware that this is going to be an attempt to “steer the narrative” around disclosure of ancient or extraterrestrial matters for two reasons.

  1. To avoid having people who become newly drawn towards researching a great deal (thanks to excitement fueled by the new disclosures) looking into and treating credible the views from people like David (or myself, Corey, or even Steven Greer). By taking control of the story around what is “really going on” in a nicely presented and palatable way from the people so believably “in the know” they can (they believe) theoretically stop the spread of the deeper truths about ETs and our place in the galaxy that would (in theory) destabilize whole cultures and the economy for a time.
  2. As a kind of distraction from the disclosures which are not favorable to the agendas of those who seek to maintain the status quo as much as possible, to maintain financial control over the population and to avoid any kind of overthrow of the wealthy and corrupt interests who do not want to see a Star Trek like no-money-needed type civilization take hold. Such a transformation however is long overdue and cannot be stopped. We will see to it one way or another.

As you might have guessed, it is likely that far too many of us are aware of the “partial disclosure” plans for them to ever reach a point of execution as planned. In Colorado Springs, too many people know about our ET group personally to avoid reaching out and getting our opinion and telling many others the other side of the story, if something begins to unfold that speaks against the reality of the ongoing ET presence. The unfolding of disclosure will have to include the opinions and ideas of people who are already unified around people like David because the strength of the movement is likely already too strong to be ignored in any disclosure scenario. I suspect there is no way around it at this point. I encourage those attempting to coordinate limited disclosure scenarios to grow up, face the facts, read the Law of One material, consider the fact that hierarchical order in society does not necessarily imply control structures, and expand your paradigm to include spiritual teachings and teachers as essential parts of the plan. Although the changes may need to be dramatic and seem scary to some, “that which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.”

The other very important aspect of this article is the substantial summary of research into the #pizzagate controversy. I had personally avoided looking at the #pizzagate stuff until last week. It is way more disturbing than I thought. The Besta Pizza connection seemed to be the most disturbing and blatant to me, and totally unreported on. A Clinton appointed lawyer working in the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the Department of Justice, Andrew Kline, also happens to own a pizza joint that had to silently change its logo last month since it looked exactly like the man-boy love symbol the FBI pointed out, and this pizza place is right next to the Pizza joint owned by James Alefantis, who is still listed on GQ as the 49th most powerful person in Washington DC, and who posted the most disturbing pedophile type stuff of all on instagram under his pizza business account. And also personal thank you’s from Hillary Clinton.

You have to see the Besta Pizza logo to believe it, it does not look like something you  could accidentally put in your logo with such precision.



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