Full Disclosure Colorado Springs

Truth, Technology, and Equality through Disclosure

Category: Spirituality

Dimensions of Disclosure Talk on Unveiling & Genetic Programs

Talk given August 17th, 2018, in Loveland, CO, by Mike Waskosky, discussing the Law of One (Ra material), Corey Goode, ET genetic experimentation, AATIP, and UFO/ET Disclosure. Presentation begins 06:40.

This presentation covers:
* The Law of One basics & cosmology
* Archetypal evolution experiments by the galactic Logos
* The veiling of the mind, or First Great Experiment
* The structure of the mind
* Penetrating the gateway to intelligent infinity
* ET experiments including genetic changes
* Corey Goode’s updates on ET genetic experiments
* Unblocking chakras (energy centers) through processing experiences
* Spiritual evolution through layered veils on awareness
* Inner and outer dimensional relationships in human evolution
* How to get involved with disclosure
* AATIP and the role of Harry Reid
* Accelerating full disclosure, contacting congress

The first minute of the talk was lost due to a technical issue with a new microphone. I mainly talked about AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) after asking how many people had never heard of it, and most everyone raised their hands which I found a little surprising.


Law of One & Ascension Presentation – April 2018



Joining the New Earth Network

In support of the Full Disclosure Now 11/11 campaign, I launched a site called the “New Earth Network” at newearth.network to support other local groups in getting together for disclosure action and networking.

I recorded a short statement in support of that campaign.



Corey Goode’s Super Intel Update



Incredible information about the election, things going on behind the scenes, in our merging timelines, and in space. It looks very much David Wilcock also had a heavy editing pass on this one.


Dr. Greer now claiming both Goode & Tompkins are hallucinating

4 minute excerpt attached (click here.) Taken from this audio.

Excerpt from a conference call where Greer is claiming both Goode & Tompkins (“and others”) are hallucinating through the use of psychotronic technology.

I am convinced from listening to Greer for 10 years that this is legitimately his own idea and not being “fed” from some intelligence sources.

I think he is simply using his current and unchanging belief systems to try to make everything fit, just like any fundamentalist theologian might do in trying to extrapolate things from the Bible that aren’t there. It is quite remarkable to me how similar his pattern of polarized thinking is with those Christians who make the stretch to say all ETs are trickster entities/demons through their own fear of facing a larger paradigm which could include things they don’t yet understand.

I think we can agree to disagree with Dr Greer on this matter. I think we can easily forgive him for not being the unifying figure we would like to see, because he is so open about his reasoning and motives (avoiding a hoaxed ET false flag).

Ultimately fear begets fear, and the important point I would make is that there is nothing to fear about negative beings or the unknown (earthly or non-earthly) when you get your spiritual philosophy straight and an understanding of universal laws, and it is from our shared spiritual philosophy that we will always find the common ground that matters most. David Wilcock also recently discussed that concept in his excellent latest interview with George Noory.

Mike goode-halucinations-55731761-17124865.mp3

David Wilcock on Defeating Negative Entities

From his show, Wisdom Teachings (wisdomteachings.com)



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